This is a second year Project X [ENVS 2037] team project, focusing on exploring one of the selected sites on UCL campus.
The initial project brief was titled 'Diorama', however, instead of focusing on the physical aspect of the word we went full digital, and created the video below as a response.
Co-created with Eva Tisnikar and Isabelle Arusilor
The project aims to explore the chosen site at Wilkins Building through a variety of digital and ordinary fabrication techniques. The finale of our exploration concludes with a video, created from the resulting audiovisual exploration. By exploring the site and altering it’s physical and digital representation, we provide layered readings of the chosen site, that lets us experience the space in new ways.
Through the juxtaposition of fact and fiction, or the real and the digital we reimagine the experience of how the site is speaking to us. We mainly aimed to distort and transform the space in novel ways, that would have a long lasting impact on the people looking at our work. In order to do so, we use algorithmic manipulation of captured footage and expanded on it by building a variety of models.
We have chosen to explore the entrance to the South Cloisters of the Wilkins Building. While there were multiple reasons for it, we were, first of all, looking for a transitional space, one - that lots of people pass by, but no one is paying too much attention to.
Secondly, we wanted to select a site that we would have a connection to, meaning a place we always unconsciously walk past, without thinking too much, yet somehow still prefer it. The entrance to South Clois- ters matched these two criterion, as it is, firstly, a transitional space, and, secondly, all of the team members seemed to prefer to the identical entrance to North Cloister. Therefore in a way, we felt more attached to it from the very beginning.
Lastly, the majority of the captured footage was taken while filming or photographing to have a single vanishing perspective point, henceforth, the name perspection.